dermatitis - success story: tesh eden
Kia ora,
I'm just getting in touch with you about a product that you sell, Kūmarahou Elixir, my mum ordered some through your company.
I will definitely be recommending your product to all my whānau and friends! Absolutely amazing stuff.
I suffer from extremely bad dermatitis on my hands (raw and inflamed) to the point I can't water for long or cut any kind of fruit, onions (etc) excruciating pain.
I've used your Kūmarahou twice massaged on my hands and I just want to say I almost cried with happy tears, my hands aren't swollen, the mamae has gone away and there's no itching open skin.
Honestly you don't know how happy you have made me! I will definitely order some for myself and my tamariki in the next coming weeks!
Rongoā is something that was given to me and my whānau from our (late koro) he was a strong believer of our rongoā māori medicine creams (etc) and he is so right. I tell my babies all the time about māori medicine not from the doctors and chemist. They are amazed at what this has done to my hands.
Thank you so so much for such a life changing product, from the bottom of my heart this has helped me severely and I can go back to living a happy normal life!
Bless you and your company I hope you all have a beautiful Matariki.
Ngā Mihi
New Zealand

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