copd & foreign body granuloma - success story: vicki
Firstly I want to thank you for the fast delivery of our SIQ (Self Isolation Quarantine) Pack. I just loved opening it as it reminded me of my childhood days of playing pass the parcel as I unwrapped each layer to get to the prize.
I started with the chest rub for my 88 year old Mum who has COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) as I am concerned about her health if she catches covid.
I know it's an isolation pack but why wait till then to start using it I thought. Mum got a mouth ulcer so she put some Kūmarahou on it and said that relieved it after a couple of days.
A few weeks ago I got some steelo pad stuck in my finger and I could see the black under my skin. I decided to put 2 drops straight onto my finger and bandage it.
The weirdest thing happened the next day when I took the bandage off. It was swollen a bit and felt it needed to be popped but instead of squeezing I pulled the skin apart and out popped a bubble out of the wound. I have done this 3 times now and feel it has brought the metal fragments up through my skin and I just wanted to share that with you.
I have shared among Whanau about your isolation pack. Unsure how but whilst using the Kūmarahou Elixir I felt a strong sense of Aroha come through with it so wanted to share that with the hands that created it.
Kindest regards to the makers of your product as it oozes that its made with LOVE.
New Zealand

Products used
SIQ (Self Isolation Quarantine) Pack
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