dry & fragile skin - success story: opal

dry & fragile skin - success story: opal

Opal Whangārei, NZ

Tēna koutou katoa.

I am in my 80th year and live in Whangarei. As I have gotten older, my skin has become very dry and frail. Sometimes it is very itchy.

I found out about Natures Therapeutics Kawakawa & Mānuka Skin Lotion and their Kawakawa Facial Crème and thought I would give it a try. I use the lotion all over my body and the facial crème on my face. I noticed a big improvement almost instantly. Especially my face. It is nice and soft again and its not dry. My skin is hydrated and you can see the difference. I no longer have those annoying itchy flare ups. I have also had very itchy dry scalp so I thought I would give the Kawakawa & Mānuka Shampoo a try too. Again, the result was awesome and fast.

As a little girl I know kawakawa, kūmarahou and other traditional medicine used by our people. The old people back then would use the traditional rongoā all the time. But so many of us have forgotten or its too hard to get.

I am so happy I have found these products and totally recommend them to everyone.

Ngā mihi nui.


Photo of O E. holding Natures Therapeutics Kawakawa & Mānuka Skin Lotion

Products used

Kawakawa & Mānuka Skin Lotion

Kawakawa & Mānuka Shampoo

Kawakawa Facial Crème